Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pumpkin Carving

Well, it's definitely fall on the east coast. The leaves are getting really pretty now. For Mutual last night, we had a pumpkin carving contest. We were really focusing on missionary work - it was a "Bring a Friend to Mutual Night". I thought it was a great success! We had 12 YW there, including one girl who has been totally inactive for several years, and we had 5 nonmember friends. The girls had fun carving their pumpkins, and just being together. The downside was that we had those yucky cider doughnuts for dessert. I hate those things! Anyway, here are some pictures from the activity. Bekah brought Carly, and they both had fun.
The winners of the contest received the much coveted prize of googley-eye glasses!


  1. That looks like it was really fun! Better than the ornament-making, anyways :-) What was the winner's pumpkin? I can't tell.

  2. Um, I think it is a skull and crossbones with a heart, mine and Carley's was better, it was Scott Maughan!!
