Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lazy Sunday afternoon...

Today was a nice, quiet Sunday. Dad went to the Hudson Branch Conference, Bek and I stayed in our ward. After dinner we had FHE. It was stimulating, as always. Here's a picture of Bekah when we were finished. She was actually sleeping like that, believe it or not.

In other news....I'll be flying to Nauvoo on Wednesday afternoon. I'm going to Brandon Hendrickson's wedding. Grandma Allred is picking me up at the airport (the Quad Cities airport in Moline, to be exact!) Emily is flying in about the same time as I am. We'll be staying together in Moline that night, then going to Nauvoo on Thursday morning. The wedding is Thursday afternoon, then I fly home Friday morning. Should be a fun little trip!


  1. Mmmmm, another exciting FHE. I remember those . . . did you read the First Presidency message?

  2. Close - we're reading the General Conference talks from October.

  3. That was more comfortable than it looks....really
