Thursday, January 28, 2010

And it only took me 25 years

I've been making whole wheat bread for... oh, about 25 years. Sometimes it has turned out pretty well, and many more times not so good.

But thanks to Bekah's roommate's family recipe (which I also saw almost an exact replica of today on another blog), I have finally made a light, soft, fluffy, DELICIOUS loaf of whole wheat bread! Yay!!!

Here's a picture in case you don't believe me.

I guess the secret is adding wheat gluten and dough enhancer. Who knew? (Apparently everybody but me!)

Here's a link to the recipe


  1. Looks yummy! I've tried dough enhancer before and not had good results, so maybe I should try this recipe.

  2. Wow, I'm sold. I'll try the recipe next time I make bread.

  3. I'm so excited to try this and actually have all the ingredients! Any excuse to use my Bosch. *Ü*
