Sunday, June 22, 2008

Getting ready to leave

Last night the Maughans had a little get-together and invited some friends from the ward to come over and say goodbye to us. It was fun to have a chance to visit with friends before we make our pilgrimage westward. There are so many wonderful people in this ward who we have loved working with and getting to know. We will miss them greatly! We are really hoping that friends and family who travel to Utah will look us up. I have to admit that Dave and I are not the best at staying in touch with people after we move - but we have vowed to do better! And hopefully we'll get a chance to see lots of family and friends as they make their trips to Utah dropping off kids at college, attending weddings, etc.

Yesterday Dave and I spent most of the day packing up our little apartment here. We've been collecting boxes from MVP (and a few from the local liquor store...) and we've got most of those filled. The trick now is to see how much of this stuff we can fit into our trailer! A lot of the things we're taking are things that we are dropping off in Iowa for Jeff and Rachel (if Iowa hasn't floated away by the time we get there!). So now the cupboards are mostly bare and things are looking pretty sparse - in fact, we're down to peanut butter, shortening, and noodles...I'll have to see what culinary delights I can whip up with that ingredient list!


  1. Mmmm, sounds like with those ingredients, you can whip up my personal favorite--peanut butter noodles with a dollop of shortening on top (like sour cream). Mmmmm. Good for you for packing so early . . . we've barely started yet. We have 2 boxes packed :-)

  2. Oh Rachel, you'd be in heaven right now. Because that's pretty much what we're eating.

  3. Wow I didn't realize you were leaving so soon. We are way excited to see you. Also they moved my ultrasound date to July 1st. I will find out then what I am having. I will call and let you know what I find out. Good luck on the trip out here and see you soon
