Saturday, January 31, 2009


I've been trying a lot of recipes lately from epicurius (based on Amy's recommendation), and I have to tell you - they have been soooo good! Here are a couple of my favorites:

Spicy Garbanzo Bean and Turkey Sausage Soup

It's so good with a little cheese grated on top, a sprinkle of cilantro, and a dollop of sour cream. A few tortilla chips sprinkled on top didn't hurt either.

Here's another one both Dave and I loved:

Slow Cooked Carnitas Tacos

Okay - mine didn't look AT ALL like the picture, but it tasted really good!

This one was super easy (just put the meat in a crockpot in the morning and let it cook all day). It was really flavorful and delicious.

And last but not least....

Warm Chicken Sandwiches

These have mushrooms, spinach, and cheese on them, and they are very, very good.

The one thing that all of these recipes have in common is that they are quick, easy to make, and have 10 or less ingredients - all requirements to make it into the Kathleen Field Recipe Hall of Fame.



  1. You may have thought that this happened a long time ago, but you have officially become a mormon mom now that you've posted recipes on your blog. Congratulations!!!! I love you.

  2. Ooooh, those look good. I'm going to have to try them soon.
